Dan Ruan's Courses
The links below lead to publication lists
with pointers to online versions of many of the papers.
Caution! These notes cold differ from the final versions.
I am distributing them online
so that the students can get a rough preview.
- BMP 216, Fall 2011
- Resident lecture 2012
- Resident lecture 2014
- BE 298, Winter 2014
- BMBED209, Winter 2016
- PMBED209, Fall 2016
- PMBED209, Fall 2017
Most of my publications are copyrighted either
by the publishers (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Physicists in Medicine and Biology, etc) or by myself.
Personal use of this material is permitted.
However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising
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or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works
must be obtained from the IEEE and from the authors.
Here is more information on IEEE copyright policy.
If you experience issues accessing the notes or need more information, please contact
"druan AT mednet DOT ucla DOT edu"
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